Safety first
The heavy clay industry has many faces, that of centuries-old tradition where some operations are still made by hand and that of a strongly automated industry,
but all companies which are part of it are striving to achieve the common goal of safety, whose key aspect consists in mastering the manufacturing process.
Morando-Rieter is continuously investing on product development, in close cooperation with its industrial partners, to make the clay preparation and shaping process safer in all aspects.
Creating a safe production line means that, in every single delivery, we make a risk analysis and evaluation that covers the whole supply chain and the entire life cycle of the equipment, from logistics and start-up to operation and maintenance.
The team that analyses the risk of the supply chain is always formed from people with different viewpoints on safety. Some work closer to product development, others may have views on the safety of the logistics, for example.
The risk analysis is the basis for all manuals, instructions, safety training, operation and maintenance training.
We aim to reduce human error in all of our equipment. Safety is considered from the external shield to the very core of the machines, as well as their maintenance and operation.
Reliable and safe technology, as well as automation, lead to less downtime when the risks and the way of operating in exceptional production situations have been anticipated well beforehand.
Increased automation minimizes the physically heavy, repetitive, and high-risk work phases, and makes production more flexible and efficient. However, automated machinery and equipment also create new types of risks that need to be taken into consideration when planning maintenance or handling unexpected situations in production.
The safety of machines, including safety guards or beams, sensors, and other protection systems is not enough since the growing trend towards unmanned production calls for software-based solutions to operate the entire manufacturing system safely and efficiently.
Morando-Rieter is therefore continuously moving from the safety of machines to a level of system-safety.
Following the evolution of the security systems market, Morando-Rieter today offers two state-of-the-art solutions, both based on programmable solutions that eliminate cabling and reduce system shutdown times thanks to built-in diagnostics. For medium-low safety devices, a specific PLC is used separated by the main PLC and communicating via the fieldbus for diagnostics; For systems with a high number of elements, a safety-PLC is used to handle both traditional and security I/O. The latter solution is the top of the range for the modern security architecture.